Your Chubey Christmas activity today is this Chubey Christmas coloring page! Be sure to come back tomorrow to get the next Chubey Christmas activity!
Today's Chubey Christmas activity is this Chubey Christmas Crossword puzzle! Be sure to come back tomorrow to check out the next Chubey Christmas activity!
Today your Chubey activity is this printable Chubey Christmas game! Be sure to come back tomorrow to check out the next Chubey activity!
Print out the image above full page
Cut out the Chubey game pieces on the bottom
Grab a couple dice and a friend
Each of you pick a game piece.
Take turns rolling the dice, and move your Chubey game piece the number of spaces the dice shows.
If the space you land on is yellow, follow the yellow arrow to the next yellow space!
If the space you land on is purple, follow the purple arrow backwards to the previous purple space.
The first player to get to the Christmas tree wins!
Your Chubey activity today is this printable cut-out Chubey gingerbread house! Be sure to come back tomorrow to check out the next Chubey activity!
Cut on the solid lines
Fold on the dotted lines
Glue or tape together
Your done! Enjoy your new Chubey gingerbread house!
Your Chubey activity today is this Chubey word search! Be sure to come back tomorrow and check out the next Chubey activity!
Today, your Chubey activity is this Chubey maze! Be sure to come back tomorrow and check out the next Chubey activity!
Chubey's new Christmas movie releases in 4 days! Chubey and his friends are shocked to discover that Santa didn't come! It's up to them to find out what happened and save Christmas for everyone in this festive music-filled Christmas film that everyone will love! It will premiere in 4 days on December 1st on YouTube and in theaters!

Happy Birthday Fat-Cat! In honer of Fat-Cat's birthday, go check out the Fat-Cat fun page to listen to his hit song, play the 'Fat-Cat's adventure' game, and print out a Fat-Cat coloring page! Also, all films with Fat-Cat in the title will be half off today only! Happy Birthday Fat-Cat!
Tomorrow is Tomczak Family Films Star Fat-Cat's 6th Birthday!
By Christine Tomczak - November 05, 2018
Tomorrow Fat-Cat, one of the biggest stars at Tomczak Family Films, the most famous cat in the world and Chubey's Co-Star and best friend, will be turning 6 years old! In honer of his birthday, we have a link to his 'Fat-Cat Fun' Page on Chubey's website, in edition to a new Fat-Cat's Birthday Celebration game on the fun and games page! Happy Birthday Fat-Cat!
Posts 2018 Limited Edition Christmas Ornaments, on sale now!
By Christine Tomczak - November 01, 2018
Chubey, Space worms or all of the above? Now get your limited edition Christmas ornaments on the Tomczak Family Films shop page! There's four to choose from, including a special Tomczak Family Films ornament with both Chubey and the Space Worms on it! Hurry, these treasures are only on sale until December 31st, then they'll be gone forever!
BOO! Chubey and Fat-Cat star in a spook-tacular halloween film out today!
By Christine Tomczak - October 29, 2018
Fat-Cat and the Haunted House is full of tricks and treats, with tons of fun for the whole family! When Fat-Cat goes to check his mail the day before halloween, a ghost unexpectedly shows up and magically transports him to a haunted house. It only gets worse as he runs around the haunted house, hiding from a spooky stranger following him. Will he make it out or is he trapped forever? Find out in this funny and not-scary halloween film! DVD's now on sale on the Tomczak Family Films Shop page!
Fat-Cat and the Haunted House is now on Youtube! Watch it here
Fat-Cat and the Haunted House is now on Youtube! Watch it here
All the stars who live in the star tower's halloween costumes are underway! 14 of the 19 costumes are finished, including Chubey's Bee Costume, Fat-Cat's Dinosaur Costume, Blizz's Wizard Costume, Frostiness' Cute Ghost Costume, Bongo and Bongo II's Thing 1 and Thing 2 Costumes, Fluffy and her daughter Susie's Little Red Riding Hood and Grandma Costumes, Timber's Mummy Costume, Dalah's Ninja Costume, Ella's Flo from Progressive Costume, Freckles and Freckles II's Star-Wars costumes and Ninja Turtle's Chick-Fil-A Cow Costume. The ones that aren't finished are Max's Big Bad Wolf Costume, Gordon's Artist Costume, Tusk's Minion Costume, Buddy's Pirate Costume and Charlie's Bat Costume.
A photo will be posted soon!
A photo will be posted soon!
A special double feature, Chubey and the Corn Maze and Chubey and the Pumpkin Patch officially release on Saturday! They will be on youtube and in theaters only, coming to DVD soon!
Fat-Cat's Jungle Adventure officially releases tommorrow! Fat-Cat is on a safari, looking for rare animals. His goal soon changes though, when two naughty monkeys steal his adventure hat. Join Fat-Cat in this hilarious film as he tracks down his hat, and unknowingly finds all the rare animals on his checklist. Be sure to check youtube tomorrow at 5:00pm to watch this funny new film!
Finally, the movie you've waited so long to see is here! Check out Detective Fat-Cat on youtube now!
Watch it HERE!
Watch it HERE!
You may have noticed something new... Yep! We've updated! This is our new layout, what do you think? The background may not be permanent, because we're not quite sure we like it yet. So if you see it change constantly, just know that we're checking out what we like. The pages are now on the left sidebar when on the home page (When in a post, it shows other popular posts), and to read a post, just click on it!
Tomorrow, the film everyone is talking about is going to youtube! Check out Detective Fat-Cat tomorrow night at 5:00! You won't want to miss it!
We have some breaking news! An unannounced movie is being released very soon, with Fat-Cat Cat as the star! The film has been finished, and will be officially released Friday. Apart from Fat-Cat, this movie stars Chubey Normans, Dalah Cassia, Ella Tane, Max and Fluffy Lingsbur amongst others. So stay posted for updates on this new Fat-Cat Film, Detective Fat-Cat!
Its 4th of July! And that means its time for a Chubey fun fact!
Did you know that the 4th of July is not a celebration of America's independence, and instead an early birthday party for Chubey? Thats right! In 2017, Independence Day was changed to the 14 day celebration, a holiday celebrating the fact that there are only 14 days until Chubey's birthday. They chose to switch Independence day rather than create an entirely new holiday for two reasons. The first was that people from other cultures who live in the USA don't usually get in on the fun, and the government decided that Chubey was something everyone loved, and his birthday was coming up so it was the perfect time for a Chubey holiday. The second reason was that Agent Hamster, Chubey's first ever movie, was released 14 days after Chubey's birthday. And the fourth of July was 14 days before, so they could just switch the Independence Day to the 14 Day Celebration, and solve their previous problem! So it was a win-win!
So when your out today, wear your Chubey shirt instead of your american flag one, to celebrate the true 4th of July spirit!
From Chubey and everyone at Tomczak Family Films,
Happy 4th of July!
Did you know that the 4th of July is not a celebration of America's independence, and instead an early birthday party for Chubey? Thats right! In 2017, Independence Day was changed to the 14 day celebration, a holiday celebrating the fact that there are only 14 days until Chubey's birthday. They chose to switch Independence day rather than create an entirely new holiday for two reasons. The first was that people from other cultures who live in the USA don't usually get in on the fun, and the government decided that Chubey was something everyone loved, and his birthday was coming up so it was the perfect time for a Chubey holiday. The second reason was that Agent Hamster, Chubey's first ever movie, was released 14 days after Chubey's birthday. And the fourth of July was 14 days before, so they could just switch the Independence Day to the 14 Day Celebration, and solve their previous problem! So it was a win-win!
So when your out today, wear your Chubey shirt instead of your american flag one, to celebrate the true 4th of July spirit!
From Chubey and everyone at Tomczak Family Films,
Happy 4th of July!
Its official! We've just received word that Max and Fluffy's baby is going to be a girl. They've decided on the name Susie, and she's scheduled to be born on July 10th. Stay tuned for updates!
Max and Fluffy Lingsbur, two of the Tomczak Family Films Stars, have just officially announced that they are soon to be parents! They do know what gender it will be, but their not officially announcing it until Saturday. Check back for updates, and for a limited time, Chubey's website will have all the maternity photos!
Tomczak Family Films is now on youtube! Now you can watch all your favorite movies, absolutely free! Check the sidebar to see when your favorite movie is making its debut, or, see the channel now with this link!
Super Chubey 2 officially releases today! Tickets are still available for the premier, and on June 25th, Super Chubey 2 will be available on DVD on both the Tomczak Family Films Shop Page, and the merchandise page on Chubey's official website! It will also be in stores on June 30th.
There's a first time for everything, right? Well, S.O.S Chubey (In theaters July 14th) is our, well, first time for everything! Here is a list of all the firsts S.O.S Chubey has taken care of.
1. The first hour long Chubey movie
2. The first movie with songs/the first musical
3. The first Chubey movie starring Anna Eliane
4. The first Chubey movie with Dalah Casia and Ella Tane together
5. The first Chubey movie with easter eggs
6. The first Chubey movie to have Chubey, Fat-Cat and Buddy's last names mentioned.
7. The first Chubey movie filmed on location.
8. The first Chubey movie where voice-over has been used.
9. The first Chubey movie NOT to be played for the TFF crew early
Tickets on sale now, $5.00-$20.00 (Free with a VIP pass). And, look forward to trailers coming soon, and an easter eggs video, coming July 16th! Also, check out the UPCOMING FILMS PAGE for more information on the film!
Update- A trailer is now available to watch as well!
Update- A trailer is now available to watch as well!
The Tomczak Family Films VIP pass is here! With it, you can attend all Tomczak Family Films events, parties, premiers and more, all for free! You can get yours for just $40.00. Pays for itself in 7 tickets/passes! Email the official Tomczak Family Films company email to buy yours, and get it %50 off with this coupon!
To use, click on the image above, download it, and attach it to your purchase email.
Super Chubey's Back in this exiting new film!After the Cat Burglar escaped in the last film, he decides his villan days are over and is hired as a pizza delivery guy. But he quickly realizes that many of his customers have valuables in their homes, and begins to steal them using very sneaky and clever tricks. Its now up to Super Chubey to find and catch the Cat Burglar, sending him to jail once and for all... But he couldn't capture him before, is he up to the challenge this time? The film is due to release on June 19th, and the makers have told us that there's plenty of easter eggs from their favorite movies and TV shows hidden in the film. This is the first Chubey movie where green screens will be used. Tickets are on sale now, and a short pre-view is available, click READ MORE to view it!
The fourth Space Worms episode was officially released today! Go to the SPACE WORMS page to watch it!
Welcome to our new website! This is where the magic happens. Check out the Fun and Games page to play awesome games featuring our characters, the Merchandise Page to buy cool gear, and the Our Stars page to learn more about your favorite Tomczak Family Films actors and actresses! Plus, be sure to come back soon and check out the home page, to find all the latest Tomczak Family Films news right here! So what are you waiting for? Take a look around!